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Triangle: Outing - Jordan Lake Boat Tour 2

  • May 03, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Poes Ridge Boat Ramp 935 Jordan Lake Dam Rd.; Moncure, NC


  • Registration Required to attend


LIMITED: to 8 participants. (Then a waiting list. Another opportunity, Saturday, May 3rd.)
COST: $40 in cash (plus tip if desired).
LEADER: Sheila Tayrose at 919-491-9962.
MEET & CHECK-IN: Thursday, 7:45 AM for an 8:00 AM departure with return at 10:00 AM.
Take Exit 79 from US-1S, Pittsboro-Moncure exit.
Right onto Jordan Dam Rd.
Left onto Moncure School Rd.
The official address is 935 Jordan Lake Dam Rd, Moncure.
Then go north to the Poe's Ridge Boat Ramp Parking Lot.
There is a parking payment station to pay $5 per two vehicle spot.
Parking is free for AARP & National Park Senior members, just leave your card on the dash.
Grab your hat and gear, including a long lens.
Captain David Griffin is very knowledgeable of photography & birding. (919-741-3800)
ADDITIONAL SHOOTING: B. Everett Jordan Lake Dam at 2080 Jordan Lake Rd.
LUNCH: Possibly Virlie's Grill, 58 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro (North of the town square).

Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association

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