LIMITED: to 8 participants. (Then a waiting list. Another opportunity, Saturday, May 3rd.)COST: $40 in cash (plus tip if desired). jordanlaketours.comLEADER: Sheila Tayrose at 919-491-9962.MEET & CHECK-IN: Thursday, 7:45 AM for an 8:00 AM departure with return at 10:00 AM.DIRECTIONS:Take Exit 79 from US-1S, Pittsboro-Moncure exit.Right onto Jordan Dam Rd.Left onto Moncure School Rd.The official address is 935 Jordan Lake Dam Rd, Moncure.Then go north to the Poe's Ridge Boat Ramp Parking Lot.PARKING:There is a parking payment station to pay $5 per two vehicle spot.Parking is free for AARP & National Park Senior members, just leave your card on the dash.EQUIPMENT:Grab your hat and gear, including a long lens.Captain David Griffin is very knowledgeable of photography & birding. (919-741-3800)ADDITIONAL SHOOTING: B. Everett Jordan Lake Dam at 2080 Jordan Lake Rd.LUNCH: Possibly Virlie's Grill, 58 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro (North of the town square).
Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association