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Triad Outing to South Mountain State Park

  • April 20, 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Cary, NC


  • Registration Required to attend

Registration is closed
If you read the April meeting note I mentioned the outing would be to South Mountain State Park. The outing will be on April 20th (weather permitting). This will be an outing to sign up for so let me know if you plan to attend. You can register to attend on the Meetup site or respond to if you plan to attend. Due to animals at home I will not be at the park until about 10am. I would ask that anyone interested plan to meet at the picnic area for a picnic lunch about 12:30pm. This is a great location for spring wildflowers and the waterfall. If you have not already, break out the cameras for some spring photography exercise. Let me know if you will be going.

Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association

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